Accepting payment faster without the need of manual check
Let the customer to select the payment method that they want. No more complicated and time-consuming transaction, change all your transaction process into faster and easier way. Payment will be automatically received in no time and safe without the need of confirmation.
So, there will be no need doing manual verification which is time consuming
Increase your business transaction and sales number
Enjoy the easy transaction with various payment method integrated with RecoPOS
Transaction process made easy
By integrating your business with digital payment, customer just need to scan the QR Code to finish their transaction. So, cashier will no longer need to provide change and queue lines can be shortened
Increase transaction safety
Digital payment is developed by the evolution of sophisticated technology, so the security system is much more advance and prevent any data breaching or money loss involving the act of crime. This also prevent any money loss from risk of cheating or fraud
Satisfy customer with various promotion
Get benefit from discount to cashback given by many digital payment for your customer. This can be the main attraction for your business, so you can increase the potential number of transaction and sales